Doctoral Programs
Berlin School for Regenerative Therapies
/// Berlin-Brandenburg School for Regenerative Therapies, BSRT, endogenous tissue...
The Berlin School for Regenerative Therapies (BSRT) is a joint graduate school of Charité, HU and FU in collaboration with the TU, Universität Potsdam and other renowned research… -
International Doctorate for Experimental Approaches to Language And Brain
/// Erasmus Mundus, laboratory-based, language, brain
The Erasmus Mundus doctoral Program International Doctorate for Experimental Approaches to Language And Brain (IDEALAB) is a laboratory-based program offered jointly by an… -
MDC Exchange Program in Medical Systems Biology
/// Genomics, Medical Systems Biology, single cell, transciptomics, translation, DNA,...
The Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in the Helmholtz Association (Max Delbrück Center, MDC) offers a doctoral exchange program with interdisciplinary research projects… -
International Graduate Program Medical Neurosciences
/// Neurosciences, central nervous systems, peripheral nervous systems, medical...
The International Graduate Program Medical Neurosciences is hosted by the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin and cooperates with the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, the Freie… -
The International Max Planck Research School on Computational Methods in Psychiatry and Ageing Research
/// computer science, applied mathematics and statistics, psychology, psychiatry
The International Max Planck Research School on Computational Methods in Psychiatry and Ageing Research (IMPRS COMP2PSYCH) teaches and trains concepts and methods from computer… -
Einstein Center of Catalysis/Berlin International Graduate School of Natural Sciences and Engineering
/// catalysis-related research, natural sciences, engineering
The Berlin International Graduate School of Natural Sciences and Engineering (BIG-NSE) was founded in 2007 as a doctoral programme of the DFG-financed Cluster of Excellence UniCat.… -
Dahlem Research School of Molecular Science
/// molecular natural science, Molecular Switches on Surfaces, Protonation Dynamics in...
The Dahlem Research School of Molecular Science (DRS MS) is a graduate school run jointly by the departments of physics, biology, chemistry and pharmacy at FU Berlin. Its focus is… -
Dynamical Phenomena in Complex Networks
/// Networks with complex topology, self- organization in evolving complex networks
The International Research Training Group (IRTG) Dynamical Phenomena in Complex Networks is an international joint project involving Brazilian and German scientists from HU Berlin,… -
Helmholtz Graduate School for Macromolecular Bioscience
/// Biomaterial Science, Macromolecular Bioscience, natural sciences, engineering
The Helmholtz Graduate School for Macromolecular Bioscience is a collaboration between the Institute of Biomaterial Science (Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht) in Teltow, Universität… -
Mass, Spectrum, Symmetry: Particle Physics in the Era of the Large Hadron Collider
/// Large Hydron Collider, elementary particle physics, astro-particle physics
The Research Training Group is a collaboration between HU Berlin, TU Dresden and the Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron at Zeuthen and is hosted and coordinated by HU Berlin.In… -
Research School Materials for Solar Energy Conversion (MatSEC)
/// kesterite materials, semiconductor, absorber material, film solar cells,...
The Research School MatSEC is a graduate school funded by the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie. It is an innovative network of research groups from FU, HU, TU… -
PharMetrX: Pharmacometrics & Computational Disease Modelling
/// life sciences, pharmacy, drug development, drug therapy, pharmacotherapy,...
PharMetrX: Pharmacometrics & Computational Disease Modelling is a joint initiative between FU Berlin (Clinical Pharmacy) and Universität Potsdam (Mathematics). Based on a new… -
IMPRS for Molecular Plant Science
/// biochemistry, biology, plant science, plant growth, plant biomass, primary metabolism
The International Max Planck Research School for Molecular Plant Science (IMPRS MolPlant) is a joint doctoral program at the Universität Potsdam and the Max Planck Institute of… -
Quantitative Spectroscopy in Astrophysics
/// Quantitative Spectroscopy, Astrophysics, solar physics, stellar research,...
The Leibniz Graduate School for Quantitative Spectroscopy in Astrophysics is a collaborative project between the Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP) and the Institute… -
Helmholtz Research School on Security Technologies (HRSST)
/// physics, optical engineering, electrical engineering, informational techniques,...
The Helmholtz Research School on Security Technologies (HRSST) is a joint endeavor of the Helmholtz Association, the German Aerospace Center and TU Berlin. The Helmholtz School… -
Service-Oriented Systems Engineering
/// Software Systems Engineering, IT Systems, Human Computer Interaction, Computer...
The Hasso Plattner Institute for Software Systems Engineering GmbH (HPI) at Universität Potsdam is Germany’s university excellence center in Computer Science. Since 2012, it has… -
Berlin Graduate School for Global and Transregional Studies
/// transnational relations, international relations, globalization, governance, regional...
The Berlin Graduate School for Global and Transregional Studies (BGTS) is the full-time doctoral program of the Cluster of Excellence "Contestations of the Liberal Script"… -
Berlin Graduate School of Ancient Studies
/// Berliner Antike-Kolleg, ancient languages and texts, ancient philosophy, ancient...
The Berlin Graduate School of Ancient Studies (BerGSAS) is jointly run by FU and HU. It is part of the Berliner Antike-Kolleg, preceded and further developed by the Excellence… -
Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies
/// Islam, muslim cultures, muslim societies, Area Studies, Interdisciplinary Studies
The debate on Islam shapes the political sphere and influences social discourse. To meet the growing need for sound knowledge in this area, the Berlin Graduate School on Muslim… -
Doctoral Program in Business Research
/// business administration, management, marketing, information systems, FACTS, business...
The Doctoral Program in Business Research (DPBR) is the structured doctoral education program offered by the School of Business & Economics at FU Berlin. DPBR is aimed at all… -
European PhD in Socio-Economic and Statistical Studies
/// socio-economic research, labor markets, employment, inequality, Welfare state, social...
The European PhD in Socio-Economic and Statistical Studies (Sess.EuropePhD) is an international, interdisciplinary graduate program which builds upon the cooperation between nine… -
Friedrich Schlegel Graduate School of Literary Studies
/// literature, textaul practice, transnational perspective, intermediality
Friedrich Schlegel Graduate School of Literary Studies (FSGS) is a structured doctoral program which was funded through the Excellence Initiative of the German federal and state… -
Graduate School of North American Studies
/// American Studies, Area Studies, Interdisciplinary Studies, American Literature,...
The doctoral program at the Graduate School of North American Studies (GSNAS) offers close individual supervision and excellent theoretical and methodological training in the… -
High Dimensional Non Stationary Time Series
/// stochastics, statistics, volatility, copulae, high-dimensional time series,...
The International Research Training Group (IRTG) “High Dimensional Non Stationary Time Series” is a joint doctoral program offered by Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and Xiamen… -
International Max Planck Research School on the Life Course (LIFE)
/// development of human behaviour, human life course, evolution of culture, learning,...
The International Max Planck Research School on the Life Course (LIFE) is a joint international Doctoral Program offered by the Max Planck Institute for Human Development, FU, HU,… -
Latin American Studies from a Comparative and Transregional Perspective
/// Cultural Anthropology, Social Anthropology, Gender Studies, History, Literature of...
The doctoral program at FU Berlin's Institute for Latin American Studies enables young researchers to write their thesis in their chosen areas of specialization (Cultural and… -
Ludwig Rosenberg Kolleg: Historical Relations between Labor Movements and Modern Jewry
/// european-jewish studies, laboro movements, modern jewry
The Ludwig Rosenberg Kolleg (LRK), named after the chairman of the Confederation of German Trade Unions Ludwig Rosenberg (1903-1977), is an interdisciplinary Doctoral Research… -
THESys Graduate Program - Transformations of Human-Environment Systems
/// IRI THESys, use of land, use of resources, urbanization, climate change impact, ...
The THESys Graduate Program is the doctoral program of HU’s Integrative Research Institute on Transformations of Human-Environment Systems (IRI THESys). It is organized by the… -
Selma Stern Zentrum für Jüdische Studien Berlin-Brandenburg (ZJS)
/// jewish studies, jewish history, jewish philosophy, jewish theology, jewish...
The Selma Stern Zentrum für Jüdische Studien Berlin-Brandenburg (ZJS), founded in 2012, is a joint project between FU, HU, TU, EUV, UP, the Abraham Geiger Kolleg and the Moses… -
Walther Rathenau Kolleg: Liberalism and Democracy
/// European-Jewish Studies, democratic constitutional state, european post-war...
The Walther Rathenau Kolleg (WRK), named after the Foreign Minister of Germany during the Weimar Republic, is an interdisciplinary PhD Research Group funded by the Friedrich… -
Wicked Problems, Contested Administrations: Knowledge, Coordination, Strategy
/// public administration, climate change, demographic tranistion, international...
Wicked Problems, Contested Administrations: Knowledge, Coordination, Strategy (WIPCAD) offers a structured qualification program to international doctoral candidates of public… -
Philosophy, Science and the Sciences
/// philosophy, ancient Greek, ancient Roman, ancient Arabic, classicist, ancient...
The Research Training Group Philosophy, Science and the Sciences offers a structured doctoral program in ancient philosophy and science. Research and dissertation projects involve… -
Berlin International Graduate School in Model and Simulation based Research (BIMoS)
/// Modellierung, Smimulierung, modelling, modeling, simulation, optimation
Two of the main focus areas of Technische Universität Berlin are data science and integrated mathematical modelling, with applications in engineering and natural sciences. To… -
Urban Water Interfaces (UWI)
/// urban water (systems), interfaces, modelling, urban soil, surface water, groundwater,...
UWI is an interdisciplinary research training group of engineers and natural scientists located at the Technische Universität Berlin (TUB) and the Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater… -
CropStrengthen - European Industrial Doctorate
/// PhD training, stress acclimation in plants, crop improvement, plant priming
CropStrengthen is an European Industrial Doctorate Programme funded by the European Commission. The project provides advanced systems biology training for 5 young researchers at… -
BioMove - Integrating Biodiversity Research with Movement Ecology in dynamic agricultural landscapes
/// Biodiversity, Movement Ecology, Biological Science, Natural Science
'Integrating Biodiversity Research with Movement Ecology in dynamic agricultural landscapes' [BioMove] is a Research Training Group (RTG) funded by the German Research Foundation… -
Theory – Empirics – Practices of Pedagogical Teaching Processes
/// Educational science – adult and further education – music pedagogy – school pedagogy...
The graduate school “Theory – Empirics – Practices of Pedagogical Teaching Processes” (TEP) allows the qualification and continued support and mentoring of scientific trainees in… -
Cinepoetics - Center for Advanced Film Studies
/// poetologies, audiovisual images, cinema, film philosophy, aesthetics
Cinepoetics - Center for Advanced Film Studies is a research group based at Freie Universität Berlin in cooperation with Filmuniversität Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF and is funded by the… -
BB3R - Innovations in the 3R Research: Genetic Engineering, Tissue Engineering and Bioinformatics
/// Berlin-Brandenburg research platform BB3R, 3 R, Genetic Engineering, Tissue...
The Berlin-Brandenburg research platform BB3R with the integrated graduate program "Innovations in the 3R Research – Genetic Engineering, Tissue Engineering and Bioinformatics"… -
Fluorine-Specific Interactions: Fundamentals and Functions
/// Collaborative Research Center 1349 „Fluorine-Specific Interactions: Fundamen-tals and...
(DFG SFB 1349 “Fluor-Spezifische Wechselwirkungen: Grundlagen und Anwendungen”) The CRC 1349 is a joined network of scientists from the field of chemistry, biochemistry, physics,… -
Research Training Group (RTG) "Bioactive Peptides – Innovative Aspects of Synthesis and Biosynthesis"
/// Natural Sciences, Computer and information sciences, Chemical sciences, Biological...
The Research Training Group (RTG) “Bioactive Peptides – Innovative Aspects of Synthesis and Biosynthesis” offers a structured education on peptide research for doctoral students.… -
Max Delbrück Center Graduate School
/// Biochemistry, Cancer research, Cardiovascular biology, Cell biology, Computational...
The Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in the Helmholtz Association (MDC) is devoted to biomedical research, with the aim of understanding the molecular basis of health and… -
iNAMES-MDC-Weizmann Helmholtz International Research School for Imaging from the NAno to the MESo
/// computational sciences, imaging data sciences, artificial intelligence, machine...
Imaging bridges a crucial gap in space and time in life science and medicine. New molecular and cellular insights are obtained from imaging. These findings should be integrated… -
Berlin Institute for the Foundation of Learning and Data (BIFOLD)
/// Natural Sciences, Mathematics, Computer and information sciences, Physical sciences,...
The Graduate School of the Berlin Institute for the Foundations of Learning and Data (BIFOLD) offers a strongly research-oriented qualification program. Integrated within the range… -
"Charging into the future": Understanding the interaction of polyelectrolytes with biosystems
/// GRK 2662 „Charging into the future“: Understanding the interaction of...
The DFG-funded International Research Training Group GRK 2662 aims for a better understanding of the molecular interactions between polyelectrolytes such as DNA, proteins or… -
Science of Intelligence (SCIoI)
/// Natural Sciences, Mathematics, Computer and information sciences, Physical sciences,...
Science of Intelligence (SCIoI) is a joint project between the Technische Universität Berlin and the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, but also includes research groups at other… -
IMPRS - Knowledge and Its Resources: Historical Reciprocities
/// Media and communications Humanities History and archaeology Languages and...
The IMPRS-KIR is an international PhD program based in the history and philosophy of science, technology, and medicine. It is a collective undertaking by the Max Planck Institute… -
CRC1644: Phenotypic plasticity in plants – Mechanisms, constraints, and evolution
Plants colonized almost every habitat on Earth by adapting their growth and development to different environments. This success hinges on phenotypic plasticity, a genotype's… -
Data assimilation - the collaborative research centre SFB1294
The program is dedicated to the fascinating and challenging mathematical research field of data assimilation. It aims to provide early-career researchers with the skills to carry… -
Einstein Center for Neurosciences Berlin
/// neurology, neuroscience, neurosciences, translation, translational neuroscience,...
The Einstein Center for Neurosciences Berlin (ECN) was initiated in 2016 to establish an umbrella structure that specifically fosters interdisciplinary, collaborative research by… -
TJ-Train – Tight junctions and their proteins: Molecular features and actions in health and disease
/// proteins, tight junctions, medicine, translation, molecular, regulation,...
The Research Training Group GRK 2318 “TJ-Train” began its work in October 2017 and offers an interdisciplinary, cohort-wise, doctoral program with 12 PhD and 12 MD doctoral…