Minor Cosmopolitanisms
The DFG-funded RTG Minor Cosmopolitanisms is located at the University of Potsdam. In cooperation with Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and Freie Universität Berlin, the RTG offers doctorate researchers support by experts from various locations within global academia. To this aim, each PhD student is advised by a team of three supervisors, two experts from Potsdam/Berlin and one expert from an international partner university in Australia, India, South Africa or North America. In addition, a range of qualification measures ensures the acquisition of academic and professional skills.
The RTG Minor Cosmopolitanisms wishes to establish new ways of studying and understanding the cosmopolitan project against and beyond its Eurocentric legacies with a fundamental interest in ‘doing cosmopolitanisms’, i.e. concrete critical, artistic as well as everyday practices that performatively bring cosmopolitanisms into being by virtue of their worldmaking capacities. For this purpose, the RTG draws on the expertise of postcolonial literary and cultural studies in particular, as well as on postcolonial sociology, history, Jewish studies, border studies and cultural anthropology to investigate the concrete aesthetic, translational, medial, and material dimensions of cosmopolitical practices. The dissertation projects assembled under the roof of Minor Cosmopolitanisms shall cluster around five major thematic fields, which demarcate pertinent aspects of the project: Minor Cosmopolitan Theory, Minor Cosmopolitan Justice, Minor Cosmopolitan Memory, Minor Cosmopolitan Bodies, and Minor Cosmopolitan Indigeneity.
Contact Information | |
Chair: |
Prof. Dr. Lars Eckstein Prof. Dr. Dirk Wiemann |
Coordinator: |
Dr. Judith Coffey Campus Am Neuen Palais Am Neuen Palais 10 Building 19, Room 0.20 14469 Potsdam |
Telephone: | +49 331 977-1107 |
E-mail: | judith.coffey@uni-potsdam.de |
Web: | http://www.uni-potsdam.de/minorcosmopolitanisms/ |
Deadlines: | currently no vacant positions |
Places: | 12 |
Scholarships: | 12 |