Berlin School of Movement Science (BSMS)
Movement and mobility are relevant components for the quality of human life. The ability to move is one of the most impacting factors for self-determined human living. It is important for our physical, mental, psychological and social development. The Berlin School of Movement Science (BSMS) provides an interdisciplinary education program based on scientific exchange and interaction, supporting PhD students to become highly skilled scientists in the fields of motor control and movement science.
The interdisciplinary graduate school Berlin School of Movement Science (BSMS) brings together expertise from movement science, biomechanics, neuroscience, developmental psychology, orthopaedics and training science.
BSMS provides education and training on innovative methodologies for the analysis and assessment of human movement, visualisation, recording and assessment of neural plasticity and structural adaptations of the muscle, tendon and bone tissues. This interdisciplinary approach will enhance the understanding of the basic mechanisms underpinning plasticity of human movement organisation, control and regulation under healthy, pathological and elite performance conditions. The goal is to enhance scientific exchanges between the doctoral students in Berlin and Brandenburg and promote international visibility in order to attract young scientists and renowned experts to come to Berlin for scientific cooperation and interaction.
Contact Information | |
Chair: | Prof. Dr. Adamantios Arampatzis |
Coordinator: |
Martina Piotrowski Abteilung Trainings- und Bewegungswissenschaften Institut für Sportwissenschaft Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Philippstraße 13, Haus 11 10115 Berlin |
Telephone: | +49 30 209346045 |
E-mail: | martina.piotrowski@rz.hu-berlin.de |
Web: | https://www.spowi.hu-berlin.de/de/bsms |
Deadlines: | none |
Places: | no fixed number |
Scholarships: | none |