Fluorine-Specific Interactions: Fundamentals and Functions
(DFG SFB 1349 “Fluor-Spezifische Wechselwirkungen: Grundlagen und Anwendungen”)
The CRC 1349 is a joined network of scientists from the field of chemistry, biochemistry, physics, pharmacy and geology from the Freie Universität Berlin (FU), the Humboldt University Berlin (HU), the Technical University Berlin (TU), the University of Bayreuth (UB), the Fritz Haber Institute (FHI) of the Max Planck Society and the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM). Scientifically, the CRC focuses on interactions arising from fluorinated building blocks in molecules and materials. These interactions are responsible for the unique properties of fluorinated systems with many applications in everyday life. In the integrated research training network, doctoral students are trained in many different aspects of fluorine chemistry and related research fields.
The purpose of the CRC initiative is to understand and control the complex interactions that can arise from fluorinated building blocks in chemical systems. These phenomena, which are collectively referred to as “Fluorine-Specific Interactions” include H∙∙∙F hydrogen bonding interactions and networks, coordination to fluorinated Lewis acids, and the interaction between (per)fluorinated alkyl groups, which we call fluorous systems. The interactions on the molecular level differ significantly from those exhibited in bulk systems due to the presence of mutually-influencing, nonadditive effects on surfaces and in liquid phases. As a result, several systems of increasing size are investigated ranging from single molecules through various condensed phase ensembles and up to solid interfaces. The effects of the investigated interactions on a wide range of physicochemical properties and chemical reactivities are in the focus of the CRC. These include the effects of Fluorine-Specific Interactions on the properties of functional materials, their influence on various catalytic processes and the biochemical and pharmacological effects on a range of biological systems. For this purpose, the wide-ranging expertise of the different working groups involved in synthesis/biosynthesis, analytics/spectroscopy and theory/modelling will be complementarily and synergistically linked to systematically expand our understanding of both the conceptual underpinning of Fluorine-Specific Interactions and their many consequences across many areas of chemistry.
Beside specific activities orientated to scientific goals of the CRC, there is a focus on imparting essential qualifications to prepare young chemists for their upcoming profession in science or industry. The members of the CRC are either directly funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) or receive funding from one of the participating institutions. The integrated RTN is structurally subordinated to the doctoral program “Natural Sciences” which is part of the Dahlem Research School (DRS).
Contact Information | |
Chair: |
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Hasenstab-Riedel (Speaker, Freie Universität Berlin) Prof. Dr. Thomas Braun (Vice-Speaker, Humboldt University) |
Coordinator: |
Dr. Carsten Müller SFB 1349 Freie Universität Berlin Institut für Chemie und Biochemie Anorganische Chemie Fabeckstraße 34/36 14195 Berlin |
Telephone: | +49 30 83860912 |
E-mail: | carsten.mueller@fu-berlin.de |
Web: | http://www.sfb1349.de |
Deadlines: | vacant positions will be announced on the website |
Places: | currently 29 Doctoral positions and 3 PostDoc positions |
Scholarships: | the CRC offers a small number of short-term (up to 12 months) scholarships for doctoral students |