IMPRS for Mathematical and Physical Aspects of Gravitation, Cosmology and Quantum Field Theory

Natural SciencesMathematicsPhysical sciences

The International Max Planck Research School for Mathematical and Physical Aspects of Gravitation, Cosmology and Quantum Field Theory is a joint programme of the MPI for Gravitational Physics, Humboldt University Berlin and the University of Potsdam. It supports a wide range of projects related to Einstein's general theory of relativity in the broadest sense.


Research on many fronts of fundamental physics ranging from quantum gravity over quantum field theory to cosmology has revealed a striking convergence of ideas and methods. These developments have uncovered deep mathematical structures, such as generalizations of differential geometry, algebraic and number theoretic aspects of scattering amplitudes as well as hidden symmetries and dualities in string theory. The IMPRS investigates these structures in a coherent training programme. Main research areas are: Quantum gravity, string theory and symmetries; theoretical cosmology; scattering amplitudes, renormalizability and integrability as well as mathematical relativity and differential geometry.

The curriculum includes courses on the mathematical foundations of general relativity, black holes, cosmology, modern quantum field theory, advanced differential geometry, supersymmetry, superstring theory and canonical quantum gravity.

Contact Information
Chair: Prof. Dr. Hermann Nicolai
Coordinator: Dr. Axel Kleinschmidt, Dr. Hadi Godazgar
IMPRS for Mathematical and Physical Aspects of Gravitation, Cosmology and Quantum Field Theory
c/o MPI for Gravitational Physics
Am Mühlenberg 1
14476 Potsdam-Golm
Telephone: +49 331 5677214
Deadlines: no deadlines
Places: no fixed number
Scholarships: 5-6 per year