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109 results in

Identity and Heritage

The DFG-Graduate Program 2227 Identity and Heritage offers outstanding doctoral students the opportunity to pursue a doctorate in a unique and interdisciplinary environment. The research areas…

IMPRS - Knowledge and Its Resources: Historical Reciprocities

The IMPRS-KIR is an international PhD program based in the history and philosophy of science, technology, and medicine. It is a collective undertaking by the Max Planck Institute for the History of…

IMPRS Biology And Computation

The International Max Planck Research School for Biology And Computation offers a dual education with supervision from experimental and computational groups and the opportunity to carry out…
Logo of the Doctoral Program Geometric Analysis, Gravitation and String Theory

IMPRS for Mathematical and Physical Aspects of Gravitation, Cosmology and Quantum Field Theory

The International Max Planck Research School for Mathematical and Physical Aspects of Gravitation, Cosmology and Quantum Field Theory is a joint programme of the MPI for Gravitational Physics,…
Logo of the International Max Planck Research School Primary Metabolism and Plant Growth

IMPRS for Molecular Plant Science

The International Max Planck Research School for Molecular Plant Science (IMPRS MolPlant) is a joint doctoral program at the Universität Potsdam and the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant…

iNAMES-MDC-Weizmann Helmholtz International Research School for Imaging from the NAno to the MESo

Imaging bridges a crucial gap in space and time in life science and medicine. New molecular and cellular insights are obtained from imaging. These findings should be integrated with data…
Logo of the International Doctorate for Experimental Approaches to Language And Brain

International Doctorate for Experimental Approaches to Language And Brain

The Erasmus Mundus doctoral Program International Doctorate for Experimental Approaches to Language And Brain (IDEALAB) is a laboratory-based program offered jointly by an international consortium…

International Graduate Program Medical Neurosciences

The International Graduate Program Medical Neurosciences is hosted by the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin and cooperates with the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, the Freie Universität Berlin,…
Logo of the International Max Planck Research School on the Life Course

International Max Planck Research School on the Life Course (LIFE)

The International Max Planck Research School on the Life Course (LIFE) is a joint international Doctoral Program offered by the Max Planck Institute for Human Development, FU, HU, the Universities…
Logo of the graduate program Knowledge of the Arts

Knowledge of the Arts

The graduate program Knowledge of the Arts is located at an institution where a variety of arts are not only taught and researched but also practiced. The program sheds light on the processes of…
Search results 61 - 70 / 109